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Monday, November 29, 2010


Thinking of  the past,it has changed a lot's and still changing the present but of what changing is all he thinks and what still to come to change just bothered him.The life of him,bullshit him because he got almost alone.

         Lying in a room, writing this articles of himself is all he doing.He thinks of past which was really so good and was the worst too of him,for him. The time he had new friends,fun with them,new relation bonding with others,first girlfriend whom he never want to see in his whole entire life,fall in love with her,time with her and a break up which broke him,first job of rs 2000 salary,first girl of his collage who notice him  a lot's but now ignore,second job of him rs5000 salary but no more now which gave him a chance to know about coffee and how to make it,friend nikesh whom he still have good time,the word of his friend mohit"you will never able to play guitar"but still learning with him(mohit),smoke with the friend,facebook fren punz who been close to him,holding a job as a barista for life running and so many which he thinks now which was present some years ago and now it's past of the present memory.

 Without any clue he is moving towards a way which leads him which way is all he never came to know.Failed in +2 exam made him to think"no future for me".Hating his life,smile in every problem(promised some1 to smile)faded life,sick of trying to be good,is all he just hate which made him to hate him and to expect him as he is..
          With the aim of doing something in his life he  is on his way to achieve success but success is that which never wished to come in his life.Now he is working as a barista in well know coffee shop of sherpa mall with his 3rd job rs 3600 salary.

          Does he will be able to make his life good  or the life will kick him again as usual is all he have to see in coming future which will be someday present and after that will be memory of him as a past.No way leads him but walking on that way of which all he have to find and have to make that way to the success path.

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